The Power of Feeling | Emotional Awareness and Growth | Spirit Healing Therapy

Letting go and stepping into your power starts with feeling.


What are you still holding on to? Many people still struggle with holding on and letting go.

Many have lived so many different lives on earth, in all shapes and sizes. We carry all the wisdom within us.

28 years ago, my search began in certain books that drew my attention, and 24 years ago I started my series of certain trainings and courses.What quickly became clear to me in the process is that much of what we do is for our own development of this life, our mirrors and emotions.Another part is soul recognition. Yet another part is from where we can better position ourselves in what we are here for. This is different for everyone. Yet another part takes us to various other paths, sometimes even healing from other lives.

Everything is connected and intertwined. Time doesn't really exist, only as part of daily earthly created life.


Planet Earth is not your home. You come and go.


Everything is about NOW. What did your soul want to accomplish, learn and fulfil before returning to earth in THIS life. Transform Karma into Dharma before leaving this life again. We have everything in us, an infinite list. We often pick up things that resonate most with our purpose and from which we can move best in this life.

The list of roles we have taken on in this life is also infinite. This limits us in our growth and holds us to something we are not at our core.

The trick is to feel and listen to your inner world. When you allow this, flow comes. From this flow, you will be able to see what you are really here for. From there, you will be able to give everything that has happened to you in this life a place. You will be able to turn emotions into strength. But it starts with feeling.

Explore and discover your inner world, listen to its signs and feelings. You will be surprised what you find there. With all that information, you can turn back outward and be firmly grounded on Mother Earth to achieve wonderful things. Connect with all three worlds, the lower, middle and upper worlds, strongly grounded on Mother Earth. You will be amazed at the wonderful insights you receive, as long as you are and stay firmly grounded. Dance between the worlds.

You always have a choice in life.Just be yourself, discover yourself. Don't let anyone decide that for you.

Everyone walks their own path.Therefore, don't judge someone else either. If it doesn't resonate with you walk on. Judging says a lot about the other person. You don't always have to agree with each other. Live from your heart.

Just be you!


Are you struggling to face your inner world?
Then please feel free to contact me.