Reiki Healing


Relax, Recharge, Rebalance

Reconnect with YOU

The primary principle of Reiki Healing is utilising the inherent energy in all beings for self-healing.

‘Rei’, which means 'Universal Consciousness` the Source, and ‘ki’, which means ‘life force’ or ‘energy’.

Universal consciousness directs the life force energy to heal ailments in the body. 


People with a lot of ki tend to make other people around them feel better and more energised. However, those who are depleted tend to unconsciously absorb or suck up ki from other people. You may have encountered people who tend to make you feel tired or drained for no apparent reason at all. It is not their fault, but being aware of your energy level and that of others is important to your health.  After Reiki Healing sessions. many people report that her/his ki or energy level increases as well as his/her overall health with a balanced and peaceful feeling.


In general, a session may consist of laying on/of hands or just working in the aura. A Reiki treatment consists of very attuned and calm hand on/of laying by the Reiki practitioner.
The Universal Life Energy flows from the source through the Reiki practitioner to the client, and follows its own organic and wise path to the client. You receive exactly what you need at that moment and on all levels - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.


You will lie down on a massage table in comfort, while your body is scanned for blocks or areas in need of attention. If there is a block or place in need, that is the area you can expect to be focused upon. It may require a clearing or unblocking followed by adding reiki energy to the affected area. In the session, you will also receive chakra balancing and you will be provided with a sense of groundedness and flow. Upon request, crystals, or sound healing can be added to enhance and strengthen your experience and speed the healing processes.


Children - including very young children - can benefit greatly from receiving Reiki. Children's experience of Reiki is often very miraculous for them. Children are naturally open to the wonders of life - to them anything is possible; therefore they do not have such blockages as adults and the Universal Life Energy of Reiki flows into them with great ease and grace. their minds.


Wearing loose clothing and no watches or jewellery is recommended. 

Reiki Healing Session.

Reiki ±60 minuten        



Reiki healing session.

Reiki including intuitively chosen guided meditation ±90 minuten        


Reiki Crystal Healing . Spirit Healing therapy

Reiki Crystal Healing

90 minutes 


Reiki Healing