Welcome to Spirit Healing Therapy


About Nancy Zuijdendorp

Intuitive Therapist, Energy Guide Healer, and Personal Mentor

Experience Healing and Transformation


Hi, I’m Nancy. With over 20 years of experience, I specialise in guiding individuals through journeys of self-discovery, healing, and growth. Whether you’re seeking clarity, overcoming challenges, or unlocking your potential, I am here to support you every step of the way.


My Approach


Comprehensive Healing and Transformation

I combine intuitive therapy, energy healing, and emotional release techniques to support you in achieving your personal goals. Whether you are navigating past traumas, seeking personal growth, or striving for balance, together we can create a fulfilling and harmonious life.


Holistic Personal Growth and Empowerment

My approach is holistic, addressing all aspects of your well-being—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Each session is tailored to your unique needs and circumstances, whether conducted in-person or virtually. This personalised guidance helps you find clarity, alignment, and a sense of purpose.

Nancy Zuijdendorp,

Intuitive Therapist, Energy Healer, and Personal Mentor




As a highly sensitive and intuitive person, I bring a deep level of empathy and understanding to my work.

Being a proud mother to a teenage son, who serves as my biggest mirror and daily source of inspiration and learning, has enriched my perspective on life and personal growth. My passion has always been to guide and assist others in reconnecting with their hearts and true desires, helping them live balanced and authentic lives.

Finding inspiration and clarity in nature




I find inspiration in nature, where I feel at home, gain clarity, and develop new techniques and trainings. Nature is my sanctuary, and I love to drift away and spend time there, drawing inspiration from its beauty and tranquility. I am inspired by the people I meet, both in my personal and professional life, and aim to inspire others in return.

A holistic approach to healing and personal growth



Enhancing Well-being: Support for physical health, relationships, and addressing past traumas to promote optimal health.

Finding Clarity and Purpose: Personalized guidance to help you discover alignment, clarity, and a sense of purpose.

Cultivating Presence: Learn to be more present, fostering a deeper connection with yourself and your surroundings.



Tailored Sessions for Your Needs



Sessions can be arranged in-person or virtually, recognizing that effective support transcends physical distance. Each session is tailored to your unique needs, guided by my expertise to ensure a personalised and impactful experience.

Guiding you through holistic transformation


I am dedicated to helping you rebuild confidence and live authentically from the inside out. My goal is to support you through a holistic transformation in all aspects of your life.



Support for Individuals and Businesses

For businesses and employees facing challenges such as burnout, trauma, or emotional distress, I offer specialized support. With a focus on energy healing and intuitive guidance, I provide tailored strategies to navigate stress, prevent burnout, and foster well-being in the workplace.



Join Me on a Transformative Journey

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment? Together, we can unlock your full potential and align with your true purpose. Let’s begin this transformative journey together.





Achieve Self-Awareness and Personal Growth Today


Benefits of Intuitive Healing Therapy

Experience the following benefits through my intuitive healing therapy sessions:


1. Personalised Guidance: Receive insights and understanding tailored to your unique needs.

2. Effective Techniques: Benefit from various modalities such as energy work, mindfulness practices, and somatic therapy.

3. Clarity and Empowerment: Gain clarity on your life path and empower yourself to overcome challenges.

4. Stress Reduction and Emotional Balance: Learn techniques for managing stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.

5. Supportive Partnership: Receive compassionate support and guidance as you navigate life transitions and personal growth.

Committed to continuous learning and professional growth





EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing)

Life Coach

Child Coach

Mindfulness Practitioner

Mindfulness for Children

Trained in Andean Cosmovision and Mysticism

Quantum Touch Healing

Reiki Master

See you on the inside

Let’s begin this transformative journey together.



Sita Korf


I did the inner child healing journey with Nancy and it has made so much impact in my life. The effects where really intens and made me aware of my inner child and learned to take care of her. I would strongly recommend this to anyone because it will change your life for the better. I feel whole and so much more happy. I overcame triggers that haunted me for life and my inner child got the time and space to heal.


Working with a skilled practitioner like Nancy can be incredibly helpful in this process. She has the knowledge, experience, and compassion to guide you through the journey in a safe and supportive environment. With her guidance, I have can learned to identify and release the negative patterns and beliefs that were holding me back and prevented me from living my best life.


If you are considering inner child healing, I encourage you to take the leap and give it a try. It may be challenging at times, but it is also one of the most rewarding and empowering things you can do for yourself.


Thank you so much dear Nancy, you are the best.

Steve Welsh


Nancy asked if I would be so kind to share my experience with her but the depth of her guidance and the inner strength that came from within alongside the realisation of what my true reality had become it has taken me a while to process the many elements that came from Nancy guidance.


So doing it now.


If you are looking for standard text book therapy then go find someone else who will take your hard earned money but if you want a n awaking that will smack your senses and awaken your true inner strength to take control of your unseen traumas then contact Nancy but be warned you will get more than you bargained for.

Trust the process its worth it and so is Nancy

escape benidorm

Had my first Reiki session, Nancy was amazing. A very spiritual, experienced healer/ Therapist
I will definitely be continuing along my path with Nancy as my guide.


sylvia jansen


Nancy has guided me through several layers. Through coaching, various techniques, deep meditations and healing she has brought me to my core. I have rediscovered myself, reduced my stress and experience deep inner peace. Nancy has a gentle but powerful personality. She feels you unerringly and has a very refined energy. A sweet woman with her heart in the right place.

The online sessions worked fine for me.

Thank you Nancy for the process and transformation. I can now powerfully continue on my own path again .
Sylvia Jansen.



Adinda Denneman

I can highly recommend Nancy if youre looking to find back your own strenghts and to find back yourself.

In a short period of time we have been through several things. I first started to get my Reiki certificates with Nancy, went on some Soul Jerneys and we have done 2 types of Shamanic initiations.

Most important is the vibe and energy she gives in every session.
To me, she have been the best that have crossed my path in 22'.

I feel very grateful to have met and worked with Nancy. Truely unforgettable last months of this year that we have spent together.

Thank you Nancy for everything you've learnt me, your time, your wisdom and for being you.


John Le Sueur



Nancy is one of the most amazing Spiritual teachers you will ever meet. She is an astonishing healer and is especially powerful. It would be true to say ‘you have tried the rest, now try the best”, to use that old saying. Have no fear though, she is a kind, gentle and wise person.
Of course you need to have felt that you have been called. You cannot force this.
Nancy will coach you on your spiritual journey. She will take you safely and carefully through the right steps for you and at the pace you need. This was especially true for me. She did not need to linger on certain things with me, and has unleashed in me, through her guidance, a divine power which is humbling in its purity and intensity. This power is not for my personal use, it is for the purposes of the divine and I am only the bridge. It is definitely what might be considered a ‘higher calling” to answer this divine spiritual journey in my life.
Without Nancy guiding me, I doubt very much I would have progressed what I might have dismissed as a mere thought. Now I trust my intuition, and will pursue more of what the divine wishes me to do.
Nancy will continue to be my mentor and guide.
If you are lucky enough to receive one of Nancy’s healings, I can assure you that you will feel amazing afterwards. At first you will be tired, then suddenly will notice how much better you feel. Only Nancy can tell you if they will be completely effective and it might take more than one visit.

Darren John Calvert

Nancy is an incredible Coach, and has really helped me with reconnecting to reality and many other things, her expertise and knowledge in this area are unmatched, I throughly recommend that you contact her and to discover your lost self!


Washington Pees

Excellent! I regained energy, joy and a lot of will to live. Highly recommended.


Bibi Terlouw

After Nancy's coaching, I experience inner peace, balance and wholeness. It has brought me back to my core.....

Crina Lunetti

Very greateful for the healing sessions with Nancy! Peace and hight vibes, every time and more to learn for sure!!!