Narcissistic Abuse

Recognising, Healing, and Reclaiming Your Life

Whether you’re seeking clarity or healing, know that you are not alone. This page will guide you through understanding narcissistic abuse and the steps to reclaim your power.

Even in the darkest of times, your spirit is unbreakable. Trust in your power to rise, heal, and grow beyond the shadows that once held you.

Narcissistic Abuse

Reclaim Your Life and Empower Your Spirit


Narcissistic abuse is a deeply harmful dynamic that can erode your self-worth, distort your reality, and leave you feeling emotionally trapped. Whether someone exhibits narcissistic tendencies or has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), their behaviours can have profound and lasting effects on your emotional and psychological health.

Understanding Narcissistic Behaviour


Narcissistic behaviour exists on a spectrum. On one end are individuals who may occasionally display narcissistic traits like self-centredness or a desire for admiration. On the other end, some people have a diagnosable personality disorder, leading to harmful, manipulative behaviours that affect those around them.

Narcissism is not a "one size fits all" condition. There are several types of narcissistic behaviours, each with unique characteristics:

  • Overt Narcissists: These individuals are typically grandiose, openly seeking admiration, and showing little empathy for others. They are often easy to spot due to their arrogance and need for constant validation.
  • Covert Narcissists: Subtler in their approach, covert narcissists often present as vulnerable or victimised. While they may appear modest, they still manipulate and control those around them, often through emotional coercion and passive-aggressive behaviours.
  • Vulnerable Narcissists: These narcissists are highly sensitive and feel entitled to recognition and admiration. They may come across as insecure, but their behaviours are equally controlling and manipulative as they seek to validate their self-worth through others.


Common narcissistic traits include:


  • Manipulation: Using others to fulfil their own needs.
  • Lack of Empathy: Difficulty understanding or caring about others' feelings.
  • Gaslighting: Distorting facts to make you question your reality.
  • Control: Seeking constant admiration and using charm or guilt to influence others.
  • Emotional Abuse: Alternating between idealising and devaluing you, causing confusion and self-doubt.

Whether someone falls into overt, covert, or vulnerable narcissism, their behaviours can profoundly impact your well-being. These behaviours can manifest in romantic relationships, friendships, or professional environments, leaving you feeling confused, anxious, and emotionally drained.

Harness your inner strength and create the life you truly deserve

Recognising Narcissistic Abuse



Narcissistic abuse often begins subtly. What may initially seem like unconditional love and charm quickly shifts into a pattern of manipulation and control. You may start to feel like you're walking on eggshells, constantly questioning your own reality and feeling anxious or dependent on their approval.

Some common signs of narcissistic abuse include:

  • Constant self-doubt and confusion.
  • Feeling emotionally drained after interactions.
  • Isolation from supportive friends or family members.
  • Emotional manipulation or control through guilt and fear.

The Cycle of Narcissistic Abuse

Narcissistic abuse follows a predictable and destructive cycle. Understanding this pattern is key to recognizing and escaping it:


1. Idealisation: The narcissist showers you with attention, praise, and affection. This intense connection may feel like destiny, as they captivate you with admiration, endless praise, and love-bombing. They present themselves as your perfect match, someone who understands you completely. But this is only the first stage of their manipulation.

2. Devaluation: Once the narcissist feels secure in the relationship, the subtle shift begins. The person who once showered you with affection now starts to criticise, belittle, and undermine you. They recount their struggles, positioning themselves as the victim, while shifting the blame for their emotional state onto you. Over time, your self-worth begins to crumble as you doubt your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Walking on eggshells becomes your new normal.

3. Discard: When the narcissist feels they’ve extracted all they can from the relationship or if you begin to resist their control, they may abruptly end the relationship, leaving you emotionally shattered. Alternatively, they may maintain their grip on you while seeking other sources of admiration. This phase leaves victims questioning their self-worth, wondering what they did wrong.


Narcissists are masters of manipulation, using affection and kindness as traps. Recognizing these patterns can help you protect yourself from further emotional harm.

Let wisdom guide you as you navigate the path to recovery and self-discovery.

Why Narcissistic Abuse Persists


Narcissists often lack empathy and self-awareness, making it difficult for them to see or care about the harm they cause. Their behavior is driven by a need for control, admiration, and validation, often at the expense of those around them. Victims of narcissistic abuse may stay in the relationship due to emotional dependency, fear, or the hope that the narcissist will change.


For empaths, this dynamic is particularly challenging. Narcissists are drawn to empaths’ compassionate nature, knowing they will do everything they can to “fix” or help the narcissist. However, this only deepens the emotional manipulation. Understanding the nature of narcissists and the vulnerability of empaths is essential for breaking free.

In this safe, nurturing space, you will rediscover the strength to heal and flourish.

The Impact of Narcissistic Abuse


Narcissistic abuse takes a profound toll on your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.


Emotional and Psychological Damage: Victims often experience anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Over time, their sense of self-worth diminishes, leaving them feeling worthless, hopeless, and confused.

Social Isolation: Narcissists may isolate their victims from friends and family, manipulating them into believing that no one else understands them. This isolation deepens the dependency on the narcissist and makes it harder for the victim to seek help or gain perspective from others.

Physical Health Consequences: The chronic stress of living with narcissistic abuse can lead to physical symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, digestive issues, and more serious stress-related conditions.


Narcissists excel at turning your kindness into a weapon against you. Over time, the stress of walking on eggshells, questioning your reality, and losing your sense of self leads to emotional and physical exhaustion.

Each step you take is a step towards reclaiming your power and peace.

Healing from Narcissistic Abuse


Healing from narcissistic abuse is a transformative journey that takes time, support, and a commitment to self-care. Here are the key steps to reclaim your life:


1. Recognise the Abuse: The first step to healing is acknowledging that you are in an abusive relationship. It is important to understand that the narcissist’s behaviour is not your fault. Recognising the manipulative tactics they use can help you begin to detach emotionally and mentally from the situation.

2. Set Boundaries: Establishing firm boundaries is crucial for protecting yourself from further manipulation. This might involve limiting or cutting off contact with the narcissist, especially if you’ve left the relationship. Boundaries are a way of reclaiming control over your emotional and mental space.

3. Seek Professional Support: Working with a therapist is essential to your recovery. As a therapist, I can guide you through the complexities of emotional healing, help you process your experiences, and provide tools to rebuild your self-esteem. Together, we can develop strategies to help you move forward and set healthier patterns in future relationships.

4. Rebuild Your Self-Worth: Narcissistic abuse often erodes your sense of self. It’s important to reconnect with the activities and people that bring you joy and fulfilment. Surround yourself with supportive individuals who respect and uplift you. Slowly, you will rediscover your strengths and regain confidence in who you are.

5. Rediscover Your True Self: Healing from narcissistic abuse is an opportunity to reconnect with your authentic self. Explore your passions, set new goals, and create a life that reflects your true desires. You are more than the trauma you’ve endured.



You are worthy of love, respect, and a life free from control.

The Role of Empathy and Boundaries


Empaths are often drawn to narcissists due to their compassionate and nurturing nature. However, it’s crucial for empaths to learn to set healthy boundaries. Without boundaries, empaths may find themselves continually giving to a person who manipulates their kindness.


Understanding how narcissists exploit the empath’s desire to heal and help is key to protecting your emotional well-being. Boundaries are not just important—they are essential.

Your healing is a journey, and every moment is a step toward a brighter, more empowered future.

The Path to Healing


Healing from narcissistic abuse is possible, but it requires self-discovery, emotional recovery, and re-establishing your boundaries. Recognising these manipulative behaviours is the first step toward regaining your personal power.

Steps to begin healing:

  1. Reclaim Your Reality: Surround yourself with people who affirm your emotions and experiences. Reflect on your truth and ground yourself in it.
  2. Establish Boundaries: Set firm, clear boundaries to protect your emotional health and distance yourself from manipulative individuals.
  3. Seek Support: Healing doesn’t happen in isolation. Connect with support groups, seek therapy, and reach out to those who understand narcissistic abuse.
  4. Focus on Self-Care: Prioritise your well-being by nurturing your mind, body, and spirit. Your healing matters.

Moving Forward


Breaking free from a narcissistic relationship is an act of courage and self-love. As you understand the nature of narcissistic abuse and take proactive steps to heal, you will gradually reclaim your life, rebuild your confidence, and restore your sense of self-worth.


Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Support is available to help you navigate this challenging path.

In the process of healing, you will not only survive—you will thrive.

How I Can Help


I am here to support you on your journey of recovery and empowerment. I can guide you back to emotional balance and personal freedom.

Together, we can rebuild your sense of self-worth, realign you with your true power, and help you create a life that honours your spirit.

If you're ready to reclaim your life, reach out today. You are worthy of healing, and your journey begins here.



Ready to take your first step toward healing and freedom