Reiki Level Two Attunement

The Reiki II Attunement is the next step in the process of working with and assimilating Reiki.


Just as Reiki I attuned and initiated you into a whole new world of healing and energies, so does Reiki II move your forward in this process in a very profound way. After becoming attuned for Reiki II you will become more aware not only of your own self healing and your immediate family and surroundings, but you will also become more aware on a wider level.


In Reiki II, you will begin to integrate the - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual to a greater degree and your energy frequency will become attuned for more refined healing techniques. In particular, your heart will be opened more so that this can increase your sense of feeling and intuition.


Just as with Reiki I, in Reiki II, you will need to give yourself time to study and practice. First, you should practice on yourself or offer your services for free. Later, you can begin to offer Reiki to clients if you wish. It is recommended that you have a consultation before taking that step, just to see if you are ready.


What Will You Learn In Reiki Level 2?

The second level of Reiki is a practical guide and understanding on how to use the full potential of Reiki energy healing by improving your healing techniques. This is where you learn how to harness a stronger form of Reiki and channel it to someone else!

  • How to access a deeper level of healing
  • The Reiki sacred symbols and their meanings
  • Long-Distance Healing
  • How to heal others professionally
  • Reiki level 2 attunement & certification

Further, it will help to bring you in alignment so that your Ki (energy) can more easily flow.


If you are interested, please contact me.